Visiting the prehistoric archaeological landscape at Brú na Bóinne, a bend of the Boyne River north of Dublin, was one of the highlights of my trip to Ireland.
Map of Brú na Bóinne World Heritage Site
BrunaBoinnemapSource: World Heritage Ireland – Brú na Bóinne – Visitor Information
Access to the passage graves at Knowth and Newgrange is by guided tour only. My group went to Knowth, which was great, because I’d been to Newgrange on a previous visit.

This Rick Steves video gives a wonderful overview of the site.
The display at Knowth visitors centre draws your attention to the spiral carvings on the stones surrounding the passage tomb. Beautiful and mysterious.

At the visitors centre there was a video about excavations at Knowth that I would have loved to see but didn’t have the time.

This UNESCO video tells more about the site, Europe’s largest and most important concentration of prehistoric megalithic art.

Brú na Bóinne is museum no. 87 in my #100museums challenge (see 100 Museums Challenge).