As you stroll down Queen Street in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, you’ll eventually come across Niagara Apothecary, a restored 19th century pharmacy belonging to the Ontario Heritage Trust and operated as a museum by the Ontario College of Pharmacists.
Although only one room, you could spend ages in the museum, examining the many displays in cases and on shelves and in drawers, everywhere you look. It’s a bit of a visual overload, in the best way.

You can even ask the the volunteer pharmacist on hand (yes, a real pharmacist) any questions you might have about the effectiveness of laudanum in cough syrup, or the correct application of leeches. Be sure to read about the red and green glass show globes you’ll see high up in the room and in the windows, symbols of pharmacy, about which I had no idea.

Niagara Apothecary is museum no. 45 in my #100museums challenge (see 100 Museums Challenge).