When you visit the City of Toronto Archives, you’ll see special exhibits of historical material from the collections installed in the atrium.
Today I enjoyed perusing the dozens of photographs which make up Wide Open World: A Celebration of the Suburbs in Toronto, curated by Manda Vranic and open until August 30, 2019.
I tend to think of old photographs in two categories: mine / my family’s and all others. Mine / my family’s are, I’d have thought, pretty much of interest only to us, with somewhat mundane scenes of playing outdoors, school activities, neighbourhood life, etc. So it was neat to see my own experience of growing up in the Toronto suburbs (North York) reflected in the exhibit at the Archives, and value placed on those images from a historical perspective.
In these very short videos the curator gives insights into the exhibition.
While you’re there, make sure to check out the huge viewing window!

City of Toronto Archives is museum no. 20 in my #100museums challenge (see 100 Museums Challenge).